MommyO brings you any day art with everyday materials!
Create like Oscar-Claude Monet in Chrysanthemums (1897).

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The following fun, hands-on artsy craft will have you using bold and beautiful, brightly-colored papers to create a lovely garden of flowers — so your artwork blooms too!
Before you begin your artwork, think about Oscar-Claude Monet's masterpiece titled Chrysanthemums — painted in 1897 — and ask yourself the following questions.
1. Will I try to create emphasis with color in any part of my flower garden?
2. How might I emphasize with different colors — what colors will I choose to use?
3. And where do I envision that emphasis to be within my artwork?

• 8-1/2” x 11” Green Paper
• Colored Paper
• Cardstock
• Scissors
• Pattern Cutout Sheet
in the Monet section)
• No. 2 Pencil
• White School Glue
• Markers & Buttons (optional)

A printable Pattern Cutout Sheet for this activity, may be downloaded from our website in the Monet section of Blog ‘n’ Craft Blueprints and printed out onto cardstock.
Begin by choosing varying shades of the same color as Monet did. You’ll need to cut out six to seven flowers to fill the 8-1/2” x 11” sheet of green paper. You may also want to plan cutting some leaves from a lighter shade of green paper.
*Age Option: Younger children may prefer to use simple circles. Have them fringe the edges of the circles using scissors.

With the No. 2 pencil, trace the largest template onto a piece from the assortment of colored papers. Using the other four different-sized templates, trace each onto a variety of colored papers. Remember to consider varying shades of the same color. *Tip: When tracing each shape always make sure that you place the template as close as possible to the edge of the paper or to any other shapes that you have traced. Taking this care will allow for the least amount of paper waste.

Proceed to cut out all the basic shapes from the various pieces of colored paper.

Once all your shapes have been cut from the paper, slit the edges of your flower pieces using your scissors. For the starburst shapes, this means cutting each point of the starburst into two — just to the point at which the petal starts at the circle, or at the ‘V’ juncture. Do not split the petals on the smallest starburst shape. When using the simple circle stencil, cut 1/8”-1/4” slits around the circumference of each circle. The smallest circle can be cut or left with a smooth edge.

Gently bend all paper slits up from the edge of each shape towards the center — making a more decorative fringe edge — thus creating your chrysanthemum petals.
To form a chrysanthemum, glue the five decorative-edged shapes to one another — starting with the largest on the bottom and working your way up to the smallest on the top. While considering your garden pattern, position your flowers onto the green paper.
*Optional: Using the colored markers, draw a detailed center into each chrysanthemum — or glue a button into the center of each paper flower.
Should you desire, cut leaf shapes from a sheet of light green paper and position them underneath your stacked shapes.

Glue each flower, with leaves (if you so choose) into place on the 8-1/2” x 11” green paper.
Now — just like Oscar-Claude Monet — you have created a lovely garden of chrysanthemums. Hang your beautiful, brightly-colored garden on your refrigerator door to add a touch of French-Impressionism to your kitchen.
Ooh là là!
